

Marketing is a broad and over-used term that refers to the process of identifying & satisfying customer needs through creation, promotion, and distribution of goods and services bla bla bla

My authentic answer to the question on what is the most important ingredient in an optimal marketing strategy, will always be this: Building and maintaining relationships! Building and maintaining strong relationships with any part of your business is key. Customer service will always be my second most important ingredient. What if you have built a great funnel starting with awareness tactics, so people can learn about your business and then create buzz around your product or service and then genuine desire where your customers are about to buy your product and then… when they are about to take action, a careless or rude customer service representative picks up the phone or answers a message on SOME or email? The rest of the funnel, alllll these beautiful creatives you have paid your designer to make for you and the copies on your ads to lure your audience and the performance manager’s KPIs and these meetings go entirely to waste.

So before starting your marketing endeavours and pay all this money on creatives, wevbsites, apps etc make sure your customer service team knows and loves the product. This, combined with the strategy will skyrocket your business. 

Love what you do, invest in what you do, form a great team and success will be just around the corner! 


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